How to improve the motivation of your employees through rewards

About 58% of companies' human resources departments are dissatisfied with traditional performance appraisal systems.
About 58% of companies' human resources departments are dissatisfied with traditional performance appraisal systems.
Training and communication: keys to success in companies

eHabilis makes its way through this malaise by presenting itself as a new way of managing talent, providing a value-added approach and facilitating collaborative learning, innovation and collective intelligence. Recognition through the award of badges for the acquisition of new skills is a key element within eHabilis.

Training and communication: keys to success in companies

It seems essential that in order for a company to stand out from the rest to take these points very seriously and work them in depth:

  • Attend to the emergence of new ideas and technologies driven by innovation.
  • Equip yourself with the competences (skills and abilities) necessary to use them.
  • Strategic relationships and collaboration.

It is nothing new that we are in a moment of re-evolution within the world of formation. With the advent and growth of new technologies a few years ago, new ways of understanding and guiding corporate training have emerged. Those companies that are sensitive to training have reconsidered things like:

  • Learning to learn: it is necessary to learn from the teacher, from the expert partner, from the partner who is not, from books, from videos, from collaboration...
  • Effectively managing digital information: filtering out useful information from what is not.
  • Encouraging the personal initiative of its employees: to reward the employee who contributes "something more to the organization", to the one who participates in the organizational growth, to the one who demonstrates empathy and capacity of relationship, and a strong collaborative spirit.
  • Facilitating knowledge management and interaction: providing the company with a space where this knowledge is concentrated, made available to all and favouring the flow of information.

Encouraging employee participation through a reward system

There is a need for an effective tool to help companies achieve success through innovation, creating the atmosphere and space necessary for the acquisition of skills and abilities (competencies) in a collaborative way.

eHabilis is a platform oriented in its Corporate version to facilitate the management of the Corporate Skills Plan, through which it is intended to train employees to perform their own duties in the most efficient and productive way possible.

But what resources does eHabilis use to reward the most participatory employees?

In the classical systems of corporate formation of all is known the attitude of the student who simply does the course "to do", limiting himself to pass the indicated questionnaires and without interacting just with his tutor and much less with his companions. The system proposed by eHabilis seeks to encourage student participation and interaction with other employees. Within this interaction, the aim is not only to collaborate and exchange knowledge, but also to promote competitiveness among them: healthy competitiveness, which increases motivation. To achieve these objectives, eHabilis incorporates different elements of gamification:

  • Progress Bar: is a very powerful humble game element that enhances both attractiveness and effectiveness. Adding a progress bar is a simple way to increase participation.
  • Badges: If an employee carries out the activities and tasks identified in our Plan as necessary for the acquisition of an eHabilis competence, he or she will award you a badge. The badges are public and visible symbols, which will promote the social recognition of the employee who has achieved it and will distinguish him from his peers. They can be awarded for completing a module, completing a series of activities, acquiring a new skill and/or achieving soft skills, such as teamwork skills or leadership. This element is an excellent motivator and offers users something to show, in recognition of their achievements.

The importance of effective communication

Effective communication (specific, synthetic and timely) is essential for the transfer of knowledge and learning within the company. Ehabilis has the necessary functionalities to create the necessary atmosphere to facilitate and trigger this communication and knowledge transfer. Ehabilis, as a space for communication and collaborative training, goes beyond the traditional e-learning platforms, as it offers the tools and advice needed to establish the company’s skills plan, with special emphasis on communication activities and resources.

Case study: Hotel Reservation Centre

A booking management company decided to choose eHabilis as a corporate knowledge management and training platform in its organisation.

The definition of the Competence Plan

Our Support Department advised the client from the outset, offering not only functional and technical support, but also pedagogical support. Within this, and as a result of the collaborative work between the two entities, its plan of competences and learning itinerary was defined. In particular, a series of areas and competency levels were proposed for the professional profile of "Call Center assistant to incidents", which is responsible for resolving the incidents received through the call center.

Following the Canmeds model of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, one of the most used in the world were proposed 7 competency areas (or competencies), conceived in the form of the 7 roles that a professional must exercise in his job whatever his position: collaborator (active participation in the knowledge management platform. Incorporation of incidents in forums and response to queries from colleagues to resolve incidents...), communicator, expert, professional, ... For the profile of Booking Agent, within the competency area of "Collaborator" 5 competency levels were established:

  • Level 5: They have done all the training related to " Support to peer issues"; They have contributed more than 25 responses to incidents detected by other professionals in the forum; They have contributed 10 new ideas...
  • Levels 4, 3, 2, 1...

And finally, for each competency level were defined in detail the specific tasks to be performed to achieve it. For example, in the present case, a Booking Agent, to reach Level 5 in the "Collaborator" area should know the following information:

  • Training in incident support to peers: Formative action aimed at knowing the knowledge management platform and how to resolve doubts or incidences of other fellow professionals. To pass this training it is necessary to get an average score of 6 points out of 10.
  • Response to incidents: Respond to incidents detected by third-party professionals. Those incidents well valued by third-party professionals will be counted. 25 incidents annually.

The competency plan must be agreed upon and made known to employees, so that they will know at all times what they need to do to better perform their position in the company, they will receive rewards as they rise in level, increasing their training and improving their performance.

With confidence: your company will have more motivated employees

If not, the employee would be disoriented, probably demotivated and unproductive.

Do you want to enjoy a new model of training and knowledge acquisition?

Request a 100% working demo free of charge by entering your data. Our technical and functional support team is at your disposal.

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