Customer Support, new eHabilis tool

We want to give a pristine support service, which allows teachers and students to take full advantage of the possibilities of eHabilis.
Technical support
eHabilis support: different levels

Our baggage in front of eHabilis marks us without pretending the roadmap that we have to follow in the evolution of the platform.


We have always focused on the end user experience, seeking to equip eHabilis with all those tools that make the most of the available resources. With such a complete tool it is normal that small doubts arise during its use as administrator, teacher or student; for this reason we have been incorporating various types and levels of support always adapted to the different cases of the clients.


The eHabilis platform incorporates a new tool that further strengthens the end-user experience, the new Customer Support portal.


The new "Customer Support" tool

This is a new functionality to support the service of teachers and students, in which they will be able to find answers to the most common questions usually asked by these users. Thanks to its semantic search engine, you can carry out searches in an agile way, obtaining a quick solution to your doubts. This new tool is available to any visitor at the URL:

The appearance of this new tool stands out for its cleanliness and simplicity. It has a permanently accessible search engine and two main tabs: Help and Send a request.


  • Help: We will find the sections of General Information where we will see the content classified by sections and the section of Recent, where the content will be submitted in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. 

  • Send a request: in this section the user may report a problem for which he has not found an answer in the portal.


The operation


The operation is very simple, the user must enter a word or phrase that identifies his doubt, the semantic search will make a sweep by the portal entries showing those related entries.


The user must click on the title of the entry and access the information available, in addition to various options to share this information through an email, social networks or their printing.


The aim of this tool is to equip the student and the trainer with all the knowledge necessary to live a full experience eHabilis, with the aim of getting as much juice out of available resources and activities as possible by becoming authentic #ehabilidos@s.


We believe it is essential to ensure that eHabilis is not perceived as a simple store of contents, but as a tool and a space in which to generate the atmosphere necessary for the transmission of knowledge and co-rative culture, and that this is achieved not only through the most traditional channels but also through a generous interaction between users. To achieve this it is essential that trainers and students are familiar with all the components of this space.


Other tools of our Customer Service


The eHabilis customer service is one of the most complete that can be found in the market:


  • Technical, pedagogical and functional support on the use of eHabilis: We offer a permanent support to solve the doubts via telephone, Skype, email or web guiding the management process from the moment of contracting the platform.

  • Contextual help system that allows to answer many questions and that gives access to the Customer Support portal.

  • eHabilis Wiki: advanced support space directed to the user administrator, where you will find information on the configuration possibilities of all the tools and functionalities of the platform.

  • eHabilis TV: Youtube channel in which the client has small tutorials on the functioning of eHabilis.

Do you want to enjoy a new model of training and knowledge acquisition?

Request a 100% working demo free of charge by entering your data. Our technical and functional support team is at your disposal.

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Puedes llamarnos al teléfono gratuito (0034) 881 819 107 o indícanos los siguientes datos y contactamos contigo a la mayor brevedad.